Lua: Using LPEG for SQL Indenting

I have a somewhat strange relation to parser since a while. Like everyone I started with writing little parsers by hand and bounced several times against yacc and flex failing to get around their very own syntax.

Then I discovered lemon and used it in lighttpd for the configuration and ...

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Replacing Autotools

In the last round I wanted to replace everything with a lua implementation. Today, I want to take a step back and only replaces the autotools :)

On one side this follows the idea of cmake a bit more and on the other side it takes in account that make is ...

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Lua: luaL_loadfile_factory()

I just implemented a script-cache for MySQL Proxy and had to learn a bit more about lua internals. As a result I wrote two functions which are generic enough for general consumption:

  • luaL_loadfile_factory()
  • luaL_loadstring_factory()

They also show how to write a lua_Reader for lua_load().

The #lua channel on freenode was ...

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wormhole: index reads

I got a few comments about my last example not describing a wormhole, but a whitehole. Time to improve the picture a bit and getting data from another dimension on a shorter route than the long standard way.

To use the picture let's take a look at what has ...

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wormhole: table discovery

Hartmut was asking me some time ago how table discovery in the storage engine interface works. After reading through the code from ndb, archive and memcache I was a bit disappointed: all of them are just copying the definition in binary form around.

For the wormhole SE the lua-file has ...

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wormhole Storage Engine

MySQL has a quite unique feature: the pluggable storage engine interface. Thanks to it MySQL supports different Storage Engines for different needs: MyISAM is perfect for heavy read, InnoDB for transational data and blackhole .... for sending data to /dev/null.

Thanks to some advance science we now have a wormhole ...

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lua + FastCGI

I was looking for a FastCGI backend for lua to have a asynchronous brother for mod-magnet in lighttpd.

Same as mod-magnet this embedding of lua is not meant to replace Frameworks like Rails or Spring, nor do I want to write average PHP application in it. I use ...

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