I got a few comments about my last example not describing a wormhole, but a whitehole. Time to improve the picture a bit and getting data from another dimension on a shorter route than the long standard way.

To use the picture let's take a look at what has been done:

root@> select * from finance where symbol = "MSFT";
| symbol | last_trade | trade_time          | trade_change | open_trade | max_trade | min_trade | volume   |
| MSFT   |      29.84 | 2007-10-05 00:00:00 |         0.13 |      29.84 |     29.99 |     29.73 | 45016520 | 

root@> select * from finance;
| symbol | last_trade | trade_time          | trade_change | open_trade | max_trade | min_trade | volume   |
| MSFT   |      29.84 | 2007-10-05 00:00:00 |         0.13 |      29.84 |     29.99 |     29.73 | 45016520 | 

root@> select * from finance where symbol = "YHOO";
| symbol | last_trade | trade_time          | trade_change | open_trade | max_trade | min_trade | volume   |
| YHOO   |    27.8801 | 2007-10-05 00:00:00 |       0.7301 |      27.78 |     28.16 |     27.75 | 28389512 | 

root@> select * from finance;
| symbol | last_trade | trade_time          | trade_change | open_trade | max_trade | min_trade | volume   |
| MSFT   |      29.84 | 2007-10-05 00:00:00 |         0.13 |      29.84 |     29.99 |     29.73 | 45016520 | 
| YHOO   |    27.8801 | 2007-10-05 00:00:00 |       0.7301 |      27.78 |     28.16 |     27.75 | 28389512 | 

There is no UPDATE going on, just SELECTs. But those selects fill the table in the background with live data:


if not c then
        c = curl.easy_init()

if not res then
        res = {}
        setmetatable(res, {
                -- hmm, in lua each index access returns at least nil
                __index = function (t, key)
                        print("(lua wormhole) looking for key = " .. curl.escape(key))
                        body = ""

                        c:setopt(curl.OPT_URL, 'http://download.finance.yahoo.com/d/quotes.csv?f=sl1d1t1c1ohgv&e=.csv&s=' .. curl.escape(key))
                                function(str, str_len)
                                        body = body .. str
                                        return str_len, nil

                        rc, errmsg = c:perform()
                        if rc ~= 0 then
                                print("(lua wormhole) query failed: " .. errmsg or "(no errmsg)" )
                                return nil
                        -- cache it so we don't read it again
                        t[key] = row
                        return row

return res

We use the primary key specified in the WHERE clause as search-term at yahoo and transform the returned CSV data into the MySQL result row.

As extra bonus we store the data in the result-table to make table-scans aware for the fetched rows. It also speeds up 2nd time access to the same primary key. We cache them.

Next Steps

Now that we have

  • table scans
  • index reads

we only have UPDATE, INSERT and DELETE and the filesort interface left. For those we will use a new example, perhaps we can find a RESTful webservice we can work against.


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