MySQL Proxy: reusing connections

Some time ago I have shown that the proxy can do connection pooling and can keep server-side connections open to be reused by another client later. The keepalive tutorial shows how this can be implemented.

When it comes to reusing a server-connection for multiple client connections we have to face ...

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Replacing Autotools

In the last round I wanted to replace everything with a lua implementation. Today, I want to take a step back and only replaces the autotools :)

On one side this follows the idea of cmake a bit more and on the other side it takes in account that make is ...

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How to write a good build system ?

This is not a HOWTO, but more a RFC. I'm in the need for a portable, fast build-system. For lighttpd, for MySQL Proxy, ...

I need what autotools + gmake do, just in a portable (yes, including windows) and fast way. Up to now I tried SCons and cmake as alternatives ...

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MySQL Proxy: a chassis and a MySQL-server

At MySQL I'm writing several different command-line applications from the MEMo Agent to the MySQL Proxy. They all have a common set of requirement:

  • command-line options
  • config-files (mapping cmd-line options to config-files)
  • logfile handling (syslog, SIGHUP, ...)
  • a mainloop (SIGINT, CtrlHandler, ...)
  • daemonizing (daemonize, services, ...)
  • plugin handling

In the proxy svn ...

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Lua: luaL_loadfile_factory()

I just implemented a script-cache for MySQL Proxy and had to learn a bit more about lua internals. As a result I wrote two functions which are generic enough for general consumption:

  • luaL_loadfile_factory()
  • luaL_loadstring_factory()

They also show how to write a lua_Reader for lua_load().

The #lua channel on freenode was ...

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MySQL Proxy: Reducing Latency

Premature Optimization ... we all know it. The proxy is now in a state were we can start to optimize the code a bit. After getting some complaints about the performance with keepalive I took a deeper look into the problem and came up with:

  • a global script-cache with reload on ...
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