From time to time we get the question how to split a query into a several smaller queries and unifying the result-set before we send it back to the client.
As the client only expects to get one result-set, we have to merge the result-sets from the server into one, like this:
First we need a storage for the result-set we want to build:
res = { }
Each connection gets its own one. We declare it outside of the functions as we want to share it between the result-sets of the same connection.
As an example let me just duplicate a query and send it to the server twice:
function read_query(packet)
if packet:byte() ~= proxy.COM_QUERY then return end
local q = packet:sub(2)
res = { }
if q:sub(1, 6):upper() == "SELECT" then
proxy.queries:append(1, packet)
proxy.queries:append(2, packet)
return proxy.PROXY_SEND_QUERY
If it isn't a SELECT query we just pass it on and don't care about it. We use 2 IDs to figure out of this is the first or the second round.
The interesting part is the result-set handler. It has to copy the resultset into our global storage and build a new result-set from it:
function read_query_result(inj)
-- append the rows to the result-set storage
for row in inj.resultset.rows do
res[#res + 1] = row
-- if it is not the second query, don't send anything back
if ~= 2 then
-- build new resultset
proxy.response = {
type = proxy.MYSQLD_PACKET_OK,
resultset = {
rows = res
-- merge the field-definition
local fields = {}
for n = 1, #inj.resultset.fields do
fields[#fields + 1] = {
type = inj.resultset.fields[n].type,
name = inj.resultset.fields[n].name,
proxy.response.resultset.fields = fields
-- send the merged resultset
return proxy.PROXY_SEND_RESULT
It is pretty much straight forward. We may simplify this a bit more the more we get into async queries. But the idea stays the same.